Call for Abstracts | Start: 10 December 2024 | Deadline: 5 February 2025
Abstract submission is linked to registration. The submission of an abstract is only possible if the participant has registered for the congress in advance.
If you indicate during registration that you would like to submit an abstract, we will automatically create an account for you on our abstract submission platform. You will receive the access data with the automatic registration confirmation directly after completing the online registration.
There will be no extension for abstract submission after the deadline 5 February 2025 (23:59) midnight CET!
Please read all the following information carefully!
Submission Guidelines
General rules for abstract submission:
- It is only possible to submit an abstract for poster presentation. The lecture program only consists of the symposia and workshops selected in Mai 2024 following an application process (Call for Symposia).
- It is only possible to submit one abstract per participant.
- The registered participant is automatically the first author and will be the presenting author of the poster.
- All accepted abstracts submitted before the deadline will be published in a supplement of the journal GLIA.
- Plenary speakers and speakers in symposia, workshops and the introductory course are entitled to present one poster in addition to their oral presentation.
- Congress registration is required first. After successful online registration you will receive your individual access data for the abstract submission platform.
Submission guidelines:
- When submitting the abstract, you must assign your abstract in one of the given topics (see below) and choose one to three associated keywords.
- The following components are required: title of abstract, author(s) names, authors’ affiliations, text body (max. 2800 incl. spaces), acknowledgement (optional), references (optional).
- Please follow the instructions within the form for abstract submission.
- You are allowed to add two figures to your abstract. The file must meet the following requirements (upload as jpg file, minimum resolution 800 px, maximum size 2 MB, enter a meaningful headline that you may refer to in the abstract).
- After checking your contribution don’t forget to klick the green button “finalize your submission” at the end of the page; otherwise the abstract submisison is not completed.
List of Topics for Poster Presentation
The list of topics will be used for sessioning the posters. You can select one session only.
- T01 – Cell migration
- T02 – Cell proliferation, lineages and differentiation
- T03 – Cell signalling
- T04 – Cytoskeleton
- T05 – Degenerative disease, toxicity and neuroprotection
- T06 – (Energy) Metabolism
- T07 – Extracellular matrix and cell adhesion molecules
- T08 – Gene expression and transcription factors
- T09 – Glia – glia interaction
- T10 – Glial diversity
- T11 – Glial-neuronal interactions
- T12 – Ischemia and hypoxia
- T13 – Memory and learning
- T14 – Myelin
- T15 – Neural stem/progenitor cells
- T16 – Neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation
- T17 – Neuromodulation by glia
- T18 – Neurovascular interactions
- T19 – Psychiatric diseases
- T20 – Regeneration and repair
- T21 – Reprogramming
- T22 – Transmitter receptors, ion channels and gap junctions
- T23 – Trophic factors
- T24 – Tumours
Publication of Accepted Abstracts
All accepted abstracts can be found in the online programme of the congress on this website. They will also be published in the Wiley E-Only Supplement to Glia Journal.
An abstract is considered accepted if a corresponding notification of abstract acceptance has been sent and the first author has paid the registration fee in full. The congress organiser reserves the right to withdraw accepted abstracts if the fee has not been paid in time.
The abstract will be published as submitted. The authors are responsible for the correctness and completeness of the content as well as the correct listing of authors and their affiliations.
Please make sure that your abstract is ready for publishing! You may check your submission with your login in the abstract system.
If you need to change anything, please see paragraph Abstract editing below. The final deadline for all modifications is 24 April 2025!
Abstract Editing
Abstract editing is possible free of charge until the deadline for abstract submission and early registration. After 5 February 2025 you need to contact info@glia2025.eu; your account will be reopened for a short time period. Please log in to your account and make the necessary changes. A handling fee of 15,00 EUR will be charged for each abstract editing. The final deadline for abstract editing is 24 April 2025.
Access to Abstract Management System
Authors can access their accounts at any time until the submission deadline. There you can view and download your abstract, check its current status and edit it. Please use the link on top of this page to be directed to the abstract management system.
Stipends are offered for young researchers. Application is possible until 5 February 2025. Please find all information in the tab stipends.